Highly flexible and non-skid epoxy coating based on high quality epoxy acrylate resin which combines between adhesion and durability of epoxies with flexibility common to acrylics, designed to be used for steel and concrete floors as non-skid coating with high flexibility to resist cracks and skid in case of high surface expansion or shrinkage.


Selection & Specification Data
Generic Type                                 Cycloaliphatic Amine Epoxy Acrylate. Highly flexible and

Description                                 non-skid epoxy coating based on high quality epoxy acrylate

                                                          resin which combines between adhesion and durability of

                                                          epoxies with flexibility common to acrylics, designed to be   

                                                         used for steel and concrete floors as non-skid coating with

                                                         high flexibility to resist cracks and skid in case of high surface

                                                        expansion or shrinkage.
                                                        Excellent chemical resistance.
                                                        Excellent skid, cracks and abrasion resistance.
                                                        VOC compliant to current AIM regulations.
                                                        Excellent water proofing properties.
                                                        Flexible with elongaƟon up to 250%.

Color                                               As per shade card.
Finish                                             Gloss.
Dry Film Thickness                     2000-4000 microns per coat.
Solid Volume                                99% ± 1%.
Theoretical coverage                   0.5 m²/L @ 2000 microns.
VOC Value                                     s 0 g/L.
Dry Temperature Resistance    140ºC (DiscoloraƟon and loss of gloss is observed above 95ºC.

Substrate & Surface Preparation
General                             Surfaces must be clean and dry. Employ adequate methods to remove
                                          dirt, dust, oil and all other contaminants that could interfere with
                                          adhesion of the coating.

Steel                                Steel blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½ and then primed with flexible epoxy
                                          primer or other suitable epoxy primer.

Galvanized Steel           Primed with suitable etching primer.
Concrete                        Concrete must be shoot blasted and repair cracks with a suitable                                                      sealant and then primed with a proper epoxy sealer.
Application Equipment
Listed below are general equipment guidelines for the application of this product. Job site conditions may require modifications to these guidelines to achieve the desired results. General Guidelines:
Conventional Spray           Pressure pot equipped with dual regulators, 3/8” I.D. minimum                                                       material   hose, .070” I.D. fluid Ɵp and appropriate air cap.
Airless Spray                               Pump Ratio:                        30:1 (min.)
                                                       GPM Output:                      3.0 (min.)
                                                       Material Hose:                    3/8” I.D. (min.)
                                                       Tip Size:                              .017”-.021”
                                                        Output PSI:                        2100-2300
                                                        Filter Size:                        60 mesh
Brush & Roller (Genaral)          Multiple coats may be required to obtain desired appearance,

                                                        recommended dry film thickness and adequate hiding. Avoid

                                                        excessive re-brushing or rerolling. For best results, tie-in   

                                                         within 10 minutes at 24°C.

Brush                                             Use a medium bristle brush.
Roller                                             Use a short-nap synthetic roller cover with phenolic core.

Mixing & Thinning
Mixing                                           Power mix separately, then combine and power mix.
                                                        DO NOT MIX PARTIAL KITS.

Ratio (by Weight)                         One part component (B) to be added to five parts of

                                                          component (A)          A:B                  5:1

Thinning                                        EPOFLEX TEX is a solvent free coating and no thinning is                                                                  required.
Pot Life (25ºC)                              45 min.
Cleaning Equipments                  Colorama Thinner No. 907EP
Application Conditions
      Condition                         Material                      Surface                 Ambient                   Humidity
      Normal                               15º-35ºC                  15º-35ºC               15º-35ºC                   0-85 %  
      Minimum                              10ºC                          10ºC                       10ºC                          0 % 
      Maximum                              37ºC                          55ºC                        45ºC                        85 %
This product simply requires the substrate temperature to be above the dew point. Condensation due to substrate temperatures below the dew point can cause flash rusting on prepared steel and interfere with proper adhesion to the substrate. Special
application techniques may be required above or below normal application conditions
Curing Schedule
Surface Temperature % 50% R.H.                 Dry to Recoat                               Complete Cure
                    10ºC                                                    36 hours                                               10 days
                    15ºC                                                    24 hours                                                 7 days
                    25ºC                                                    16 hours                                                  5 days
                     35ºC                                                    8 hours                                                   4 days
Higher film thickness, insufficient ventilation or cooler temperatures will require longer cure times. Excessive humidity or condensation on the surface during curing can interfere with the cure, can cause discoloration and may result in a surface haze. Any haze or blush must be removed by water washing before recoating. During high humidity conditions, it
is recommended that the application be done while temperatures are increasing. Maximum recoat/topcoat times are 30 days for epoxies and 90 days for polyurethanes at 75°F (24°C). If the maximum recoat times have been exceeded, the surface must be abraded by sweep blasƟng or sanding prior to the application of addiƟonal coats. 890 LT applied
below 50°F (10°C) may temporarily soŌen as temperatures rise to 60°F (16°C). This is a normal condition and will not affect performance.

Packaging, Handling & Storage
Packaging                                              5 L and 18 L
Flash Point(Setaflash)                         > 100ºC
Storage Temp. & Humidity                10º-40ºC
Shelf Life                                               24 months @ 25ºC
Shelf life : (actual stated shelf life) when kept at recommended Storage conditions and in
original unopened containers.

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